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College English

Crochetarms's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Crochetarms's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

If it becomes illegal, do you think people would risk getting in trouble with the law for some color? And why should it be legal to do something to your body that is proven to cause harm or cancer. Mind-altering drugs are illegal, and what makes them better than cancer causing skin-burning?

1 point

Growing up with competition driven down their throats, children learn to be aggressive and to think that the only true measure of success is winning. Caring so much about winning will kill a person's self-esteem when they lose. Growing up, competitive kids will have short tempers, and this will make interacting civilly with others difficult.

1 point

I think it's unfair for students taking advanced classes to have to risk their GPAs or class rankings. Students taking more difficult classes should be recognized and not be treated the same as students taking so called "easy A" courses. The argument that it doesn't give students that aren't taking college classes the same opportunity to be valedictorian is invalid, because those who challenge themselves with college courses and put in the time and effort, deserve to be valedictorian more than those who don't.

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