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College English

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Competition is good Competition is bad
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 Competition is good (4)
 Competition is bad (3)

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pinkcastle(9) pic

Is competition good?

Describe whether you believe that competition is good or bad and give examples why to support your position.

Competition is good

Side Score: 4

Competition is bad

Side Score: 3
1 point

I think competition is good because it teaches people that everything is not hand given to you and that you must work for the things you want.

Side: Competition is good
ehawkins(408) Disputed
1 point

Isn't athletics about more than winning? If you're teaching students morality and ethics during a sporting season, isn't that more important than "things aren't just given to you"? Do you have any specifics to back up your argument?

Side: Competition is bad
1 point

I think that competition is good. Your whole entire life is a competition so you might as well learn how to compete while youre young. you compete your whole life in school and when you graduate you compete in college. you then go on and compete in college and then graduate and compete to get a job and then compete with other men or women to find another man or women.

Side: Competition is good
1 point

Competition is a core aspect of human nature. For better or worse it has brought humanity to where it is today. Most technology you take for granted today has come from economic competition. It is the driving force for innovation. YES TEAM RULES! 3-2 BEAT THAT NO TEAM.

Side: Competition is good
1 point

Yes, because competition encourages innovation. If someone down the block from me knows how to paint a wall, I'm going to learn to paint a wall AND paint a ceiling, and so on. Now in present day we are step further than we were yesterday. If the Industrial Revolution or the race Arms Race never happened, we wouldn't have any of the good things that came out of it.

Side: Competition is good
1 point

Growing up with competition driven down their throats, children learn to be aggressive and to think that the only true measure of success is winning. Caring so much about winning will kill a person's self-esteem when they lose. Growing up, competitive kids will have short tempers, and this will make interacting civilly with others difficult.

Side: Competition is bad
1 point

Competition stifles innovation more than it creates innovation. Most times employers will hire an average employee rather than an highly-skilled employee for reasons that they don't want to pay the highly-skilled employee more or for that employee to take the employer's job because they're so good at what they do.

Side: Competition is bad